2016 … it’s a year claimed by many different entities. The monkey, according to the Chinese zodiac. Rose Quartz and Serenity, according to Pantone. Statement earrings and exposed shoulders, according to Glamour. And let’s not forget the year of powerful women in politics.

For those of us at Switch, 2016 is the year of honoring our roots, the year to celebrate the once-and-future icon of experiential and experience, the year of the … Spinwheel.

(You thought I was going to say something else, right? Just stick with me here …)

As pioneers of creating unique and memorable experiences, we’ve worked in hundreds of mediums and incorporated thousands of different tools to create one-on-one connections between brands and people. From sensory engagements to hands-on interactions to digital immersions, there is one component that has had people lining up since the beginning of (experiential marketing) time.

One click-clacking circle of fun that stirs the interest and imaginations of young and old.

One whirling dervish of delight that entices and excites.

One pie-sliced piece of awesomeness that rounds out (pun intended) any activation and footprint.

We’ll be honest; we have a love-hate relationship with this perennial favorite. It’s a staple, and staples can get stale. The Spinwheel, however, has a tenacious resiliency that can be baffling to the unobservant eye. Regardless of the premium being offered, various audiences, both B-to-B and B-to-C, are happy to exchange a good chunk of their time for what they perceive as the real value – the opportunity to take a spin, perchance to dream, even if only for a brief moment.

It’s that feeling of anticipation the wheel creates that makes it so powerful. Round and round, slowing down little by little, keeping participants and onlookers alike on the edge of their seat as they wait to see what awaits as the final rotation comes to a stop. It’s like walking down the stairs on Christmas morning, excited and nervous to see what awaits you under the tree.

So that’s our challenge for this year – re-imagine the Spinwheel. Learn from and leverage the joy it brings while keeping it fresh and relevant. Extend its magic from the confines of the physical world to digital spaces and beyond as we embark upon a new year crafting and activating human experiences for our clients.

Care to take a spin with us? Switch is ready to give it a whirl. Check back on our website and blog for updates on how Switch’s Year of the Spinwheel plays out!