What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. At least that’s what the city’s highly successful and memorable marketing campaign tells us. (Completely untrue, according to the Instagram feed of everyone who’s ever been there … but I digress.) That proposition is well and good for the crowds of tourists. However, if you’re a brand that’s invested in creating an experience that stays with audiences long after they’ve departed this glowing beacon in the desert, it’s the last thing you want to hear.
Yes, a Las Vegas activation – whether it’s a trade show, business meeting, large-scale consumer event or digital out-of-home activation – takes a special level of planning. Flawless production is table stakes, superior creative designed to stand out is crucial. Years of experience with every type of activation you can think of and more have taught those of us at Switch that Vegas has its own set of rules. Luckily, we’ve passed this class with an A+++ and are here to provide you with some CliffsNotes™-style help to assist as you navigate Sin City.
Venue Ins and Outs – Literally and Figuratively
Las Vegas Blvd., home to some of the world’s swankiest hotels, thrilling event spaces and biggest exhibit halls. All located on one long boulevard. One 4.2 mile long road. One. As you can imagine, that creates some logistical chaos. It’s beyond important to understand all the entrances and exits of your venue. Where can you pull in? Where is the loading dock? Does it have specific hours? Can a truck enter? Can it be parked for a specified amount of time? How can your assets be transported from the entry point or loading dock to event site? Do you need credentials? A point of contact? Is there storage space beyond your event space? Somewhere for you to put trash, or protocol/fees for the venue to haul your trash? Defined hours for load-in and load-out?

Victory Lap at NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion’s Week
Yes, this is a long list of questions. Yes, you need answers to all of them to truly be prepared. Best practice – walk all of these routes and confirm any times during a site visit.
Audience Attention-Getters
Your primary audience – you’ve spent money to get them to your activation, either by flying them out and paying hotel and meals OR by investing in media to draw them to you. So you’ve completed step one – getting them within city limits. But how do you keep them? After all, you’re competing with Elvis and Katy Perry impersonators, the dancing Bellagio fountains, great dining and drinks, casinos, super comfy beds, and Cirque du Soleil (seriously, are they even human??). You know what you’re up against; how can you combat it?
As you’re designing your agenda, work in Vegas time.
Vegas wakes up later than the rest of the world. You know your audience went out last night. Don’t put your headliners on at 8 a.m. Yes, have some good content in place for early risers, but make sure big names have a packed house to address. Your audience will be happier, and so will the talent that you’ve brought in for your activation.
Make sure the post-lunch activities are active.
The desire to disappear back to a comfy hotel room or poolside for a mid-afternoon nap will be high. Draw them back in with a true experience. It will wake them up and keep them going. Schedule some hands-on demos, create suspense with a special appearance, feature some unique entertainment, have a giveaway for a special Vegas moment to take place that very evening. Keep your momentum going throughout the day and your audience will be with you.
Feed the people.
Seems like a no-brainer, right? No matter what city you’re in, food and drink can make you or break you. If there’s no food to be had – people leave to find food. If the food is bad – people leave to find good food. If you’re hosting a business meeting or event, make sure what you serve measures up to the food in immediate proximity to the event – just because attendees aren’t paying for this food directly out of pocket doesn’t mean they don’t have choices and won’t pull out their wallets for a better choice. If you’re holding a consumer event, make sure you’re surrounded by restaurant choices that are accessible to your audience or they’ll leave your venue and find a place that better fits their budget and taste.
Play the odds, and give ‘em a free gamble.
In Vegas, people want to play and win. They’re ready to trade their inhibitions in exchange for a stack of poker chips. But if you’re activating for a specific audience, why not bring a game to them? From scavenger hunt challenges to interactive games, you can leverage the gambling mentality for your event. But whatever gamification element you tie into your activation, make sure to add in a social media factor to amplify your message.
Plan a strong close.
Don’t go out with a whimper. End every day with a Vegas-worthy bang. If you’re mid-event, make sure they come back tomorrow. If it’s the end of your activation, make sure they take away from the festivities what you intended.
Leveraging Your location
Las Vegas is a destination. When visitors arrive, whether for work or play, they want to see what the city has to offer. So embrace your location. If you initiate planning early enough, you can align activation elements with the city’s unique flavor. From showgirls to the Neon Boneyard, from premier restaurants to amazing shows, you can plan some outings for your attendees. Or you can bring Vegas to your event. All the talent is at your fingertips – or at least within 4.2 miles. Don’t miss the opportunity to leverage it and strengthen your activation.
Time Is of the Essence All the Time
It’s never too early to get your plans set. Early communication with vendors and property managers is key to nurturing relationships, finalizing timelines and ensuring a smooth activation.
Vegas offers bigger-than-life excitement, but remember, your audience is human. Whatever, however you activate – keep the human experience at the heart of your story. The meaningful effects of brilliant strategy and thoughtful engagement can leave with your audience … even if the late-night shenanigans stay in Vegas.