The World Cup Soccer Craze: One Pitch You Can Bet On
On June 12, 32 international soccer teams will begin to vie for the ultimate title ... World Cup Champions. Here at Switch, participants will compete for 64 days to win our own World Cup ... pool that is.
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Switched On with Dana Muhlke
Today's healthcare industry is changing at an alarming rate. Dana Muhlke explains how our job, as marketing professionals, is to help clients navigate through issues by creating plans and strategies to support them as creatively as we can.
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C2MTL: An Ideal that No One Fully Understands
C2MTL is an immersive three-day event that appeals to the left half of the brain as well as the right through a vast array of non-traditional experiences. Switch's Executive Creative Director, Scott Burns, tells us what stood out in his mind and why.
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