Senior Administrative Coordinator
These days, my computer, iPod, iPhone (and any other listening device) are constantly blaring the new Arcade Fire album, “Reflektor.” My youngest brother recommended I start listening to this large Montreal-based band that is headed by a husband and wife, and I’m glad I did. I went to their concert a few weeks ago and was blown away by their creativity and enthusiasm. They also sounded amazing, which is a big deal when deciding whether or not to continue listening to a band AFTER seeing them live. And, they passed with flying colors. Check out a couple of my favorites: “Reflektor” and “Here Comes the Night Time.”

Account Director of Healthcare Marketing
I’m happy to report that there’s no lack of performance with “Masters of Sex,” a (relatively) new series on Showtime that depicts the early work of pioneers Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson. The storyline is completely engaging. The acting is superb. The fact that it takes place in St. Louis is a nice bonus. Yes, I love its portrayal of the emerging power of women and female sexuality. But what I really like about “Masters of Sex” is its portrayal of real and complicated relationships, both personal and professional. People don’t fit into neat, little boxes based on titles and roles. Situations aren’t easily categorized and resolved. Remembering that is most satisfying of all.

Senior Art Director & Traffic Coordinator
I’m an avid outdoorsman; I’m especially fond of trout fishing. I’m currently and continually reading the Missouri Conservationist. The magazine keeps me informed and up-to-date with activities and programs going on throughout the state of Missouri each month.