Junior Copywriter
So, naturally I went to LouFest last month and besides all the major headliners, I was really excited to see Remix Artist Collective – or RAC. This group combines synthesized beats, real instrumentals and mainstream samples to create irresistible dance remixes. The audience was like an ocean tide, ebbing and flowing in one unified groove. I am what is called rhythm-deaf, so what I was doing couldn’t quite be characterized as dancing, but I had enough drinks to make me feel less “Elaine-like” and more Sexy Back-core. Anyway, check them out.

Assistant Account Executive
I’m currently reading The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.
It’s an interesting read that explores how confidence plays into a woman’s career. It covers all the bases – genetics, gender, behavior and cognition – and provides helpful pointers for achieving a greater confidence level at work.