Equipment Rental Coordinator
Ever since it was announced that Garth Brooks is coming to Saint Louis – and since its Garthtober on one of the local radio stations – I have been listening to all of his older music. I have also been on a Justin Moore kick as well.
Adam Hecker
lead video editor/motion graphic designer/videographer
Since I cut the cord about 3 years ago, the majority of my programmed viewing is done via the web or DVD. I watch the entire series of Seinfeld about 2-3 times a year and sports are really the only thing I watch live. But one show I’ve started watching and enjoy is The Awesomes on Hulu. I like the writing, acting and the comedy, since it’s not usual sitcom and every episode is fun. Seth Meyers from Saturday Night Live & The Late Show with Seth Meyers is the driving force behind it. It’s filled with current and past SNL members, so that makes me like it even more. Check it out if you get a free night or two. It’s a Hulu+ exclusive, so either sign up for the two-week free trial and cram it all in or fork over the $8 a month. Either way you’ll get your money’s worth.

Associate Creative Director
The news is what I read, and CNN.com is where I go. Ask me about ISIS … they bad. Ebola … she bad too. 102 snakes found in some ladies house … super bad. Did you know King Tut had a clubbed foot and walked with a cane, likely from a rare bone disease, possibly attributed to inbreeding? Mind blown on the daily. Try it.