Technical Director
So, what do technical directors do while jet setting from show to show? We listen to Pandora and iTunes while feigning sleep to ignore overly talkative neighbors, of course. Currently on heavy rotation on the Nickel playlist is Young the Giant. I finally got to see them in concert just a few weeks back, and they put on an amazing show. I have not stopped listening to them since. New Found Glory is also a band that I love listening to. I got into them about 10 years ago, and I am still hooked. A few of my favorite songs: “2s and 3s,” “The Story So Far,” “Right Where We Left off” and the cover of Lisa Loeb’s “Stay.” I also can’t forget Jimmy Eat World. “Sweetness” always puts me in a good mood.

Business Development Manager
One show that never fails me is the History Channel’s “American Pickers.” I love watching the hosts, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, scour the back country for hidden gems in junkyards, basements, garages and barns. They turn junk into treasure. I especially enjoy when Mike finds his favorite pieces to pick – antique motorcycles – and learning about the American history behind these forgotten classics. Also, the witty banter between Mike & Frank is entertaining enough. I even got to visit their store, Antique Archaeology, in Nashville, Tenn., while visiting. To see in person what I watch on TV, regularly, was a real treat.

Associate Project Manager
There are two things I love: sports and pop culture. My go-to source for both is Grantland.com. Started by Bill Simmons, they cover everything from sports, TV shows, music and movies. Articles by people in the know and multiple podcasts daily, I can’t wait to listen. Spending most of my non-working life playing roller derby, Grantland is a great place to keep myself updated on what is going on. In fact, my only complaint about Grantland, they don’t cover roller derby … at least, not yet.