Administrative Coordinator
Please excuse me while I go “teenaged groupie” on you for a moment. Andrew McMahon is definitely one of my favorite artists. Hands down. He stole my heart as lead singer/pianist in Something Corporate. My interest grew stronger as he moved onto his next project, Jacks Mannequin. Recently, my love was solidified when Andrew went solo. His self titled album, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, is pure bliss. The album has very uplifting feel, overall. I’ve been listening to it on repeat.

Program Director
First: The Walking Dead. People who haven’t seen it really don’t know what they are missing. The season five premier aired just a couple Sundays ago – it was possibly the best season premier EVER. I’m also watching the seventh (and final) season of Sons of Anarchy… some crazy stuff is going down. Finally, I saw Gone Girl in theaters. It was awesome. Captivating storyline and brilliant acting.