Practice Lead/Executive Producer
Currently I’m enjoying a live set from Joe Bonamassa – “An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House” and another guitar forward group – The Tedeschi Trucks Band’s “Made Up Mind.” Both groups are led by fantastic guitar players, and I guess are best described as rock-driven blues. Both albums came out last year, but they are great to listen to (and I’m never first to the party anyway).

Manager of Accounts Payable
I like “The Night Shift” because it’s constant drama throughout each episode. The acting is excellent, and it’s funny at times. The show takes place in a hospital ER room. It’s not like “ER” or “Grey’s Anatomy” (although on “Grey’s Anatomy,” the characters were comprised of residents). Most of the ER staff on “The Night Shift” served in the military – and some even served together – so there’s history among them.

Account Executive
Lately, I have been consuming a variety of formats and topics. Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik is an interesting blog. He seems to make marketing simple. Plus, proceeds from the two books he has written go to Doctors Without Borders. I enjoyed “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls as well. It’s a true story of a journalist’s resilience. Jennifer Lawrence will be producing and starring in the upcoming movie – should be good! Interior design magazine and blogs are my thing. I check out Houzz on a daily basis. I am also reading “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. Good way to start/end a day.