Associate Brand/Business Development Manager
The Voyager was released a couple weeks ago, and I finally snatched that wax from Euclid Records. Lewis’ style seems to have evolved from eerie-indie rock to a more folk-pop . I’m actually liking her solo work as much as her former band, Rilo Kiley (though those tunes will always stay close – thanks, nostalgia!). Favorites from The Voyager are “Late Bloomer,” “Head Underwater” and “She’s Not Me.” I could go on.

Program Director
During the Summer I watch every Cardinal Baseball Game that comes on, no matter what else might be on. Other than that, I am currently watching two new shows on USA that are raising the bar for that network. “Rush” and “Satisfaction” are the titles, although one might argue that “Rush” is simply a darker “Royal Pains” with a major drug issue and “Satisfaction” is the HBO show “Hung” without the nudity but more money. Either way they have both caught my attention for at least a few weeks, but not sure how long they can hold it. I prefer plot to watching a character doing drugs from morning to night while helping rich people avoid hospitals and the police … so I will have to see where this goes.

Creative Director
Reading a couple books. The first is “Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates” by Tom Robbins. I re-read this book every summer. Robbins’ prose is dense and playful, like a more disciplined Joyce, and his sense of humor will absolutely make you laugh out loud while everyone else is trying to sleep. This particular Robbins book involves a wheelchair-bound Indiana Jones who indulges in psychotropic drugs and far too much coffee. It’s not as strange as it sounds.
The second book is “Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook (Version 5)” by David Noonan. The 5th version of D&D officially drops this September, but I’m getting a head start on creating a new character and getting to know all the new rules. Maybe I’ll roll a Warlock, a new class never before seen in traditional D&D that will be available with the release of v5.