Motion Graphics Designer
One band that has caught my attention recently is Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros. They are an American indie folk band with upwards of 10 members creating rich and powerful songs about peace and love – a throwback to the ’60s. In previous albums, lead vocalist Alex Ebert sings along with Jade Castrinos, and they have complimented each other well. However, Jade and Edward Sharpe have now parted ways. I’m curious, as are many, on how losing her will affect the direction and sound of future releases.

Junior Copywriter
As the Football season approaches – and my fantasy football draft – I have been getting into the proper mental space necessary to make all the right picks. So naturally, I am currently watching The League as part of my pre-season warmup. This “strategy” is two-pronged. 1) I watch because I can’t stand watching football and know little to nothing about the sport. 2) I watch to incorporate some of the cheeky jargon into my lexicon and convince my friends that I know what I’m talking about.
Kim Buerck
Payroll Coordinator
I’m reading, and using, My Beef With Meat, by Rip Esselstyn, a follow-up to The Engine 2 Diet (he used to be a firefighter). The first half of the book is about the importance of a plant-based lifestyle. He breaks down common myths, questions,= and problems people have regarding a plant-strong lifestyle (Can I get enough protein? What about a B-12 or iron or calcium deficiency? But real men eat meat!), and answers them in a to-the-point and easy-to-read way. The second half of the book is 140+ delicious plant-based, oil-free, meat-free and dairy-free recipes; one of my favorite recipes is Black Beans & Brown Rice Extravaganza (although we use a lot more chili powder at home).
I feel like there is a lot of processed food in the book, but that can easily be swapped for fresh if you are willing to take a little time and plan ahead. “Engine 2” was a blessing and wonderful starting point for my household, and My Beef With Meat gives us extra knowledge.