Every year, InfoComm sets the stage for showcasing the latest advancements in audiovisual technology, bringing together industry professionals from around the world. This year’s event, held in Orlando, Florida, was no exception, featuring an extensive array of products and innovations across various sectors. Our Chief Operating Officer, Roy Scardina, attended to discover the latest technologies...
As one of the first employees of Switch (known then as Busch Creative Services), Gregg Eilers will officially begin retirement today after 41 years with the company. Gregg has made significant contributions to Switch during his tenure and has helped make our company what it is today. He has served in several roles ranging from...
In the constantly evolving world of marketing your brand, it can be easy to fall into a rut of doing things the same way they have always been done. However, taking creative risks can pay off in a big way, and in 2023 it is more important than ever for organizations to be willing...
2022 was another stellar year for Switch. We are so proud of the accomplishments we made as a company, providing superior services to our clients, both new and old. We acknowledge that these feats wouldn’t be possible without our outstanding employees, whose dedication and creativity make Switch what it is. As a nod to our...